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ReBorn to MoveMore Naturally

Your Journey

Step 1- Pick a Membership the Membership that suits you.

Step 2- Book your first session

Step 3- Start Moving More Naturally

Step 4- Reduce Pain, Gain Confidence, set new adventures

Choose Your Membership

  • Move

    Every month
    Get your daily movement fix towards a naturally strong and healthy you
     7 day free trial
    • The Workouts
    • 14 Day Challenges
    • 5% Discount on Experiences and Classes
  • MoveMore

    Every month
    An amazing option to get the most out of your Health and Fitness.
     7 day free trial
    • Unlimited classes
    • RunMore Naturally Program
    • 7-7 Challenge
    • The Workouts
    • 14 Day Challenges
    • 10% off Personal Training
    • 20% off Experiences
    • Access to Groups
  • Best Value

    Move More Naturally

    Every month
    Feel Energised, Free, and Connected
    • The Workouts
    • 14 Day Challenges
    • RunMoreNaturally
    • 7-7 Challenge
    • New Releases
    • Unlimited Classes
    • Monthly catch up PT
    • 20%off Personal Training
    • Personalisation
    • Free access to Experiences
  • 4 PT's MoveMore Naturally

    Every month
    ReBorn to Live Feel and MoveMore Naturally
    • Up to 4 PT's per month
    • Unlimited Classes
    • 35% of PT Price
    • Free Experiences
    • Access to Online Programs
    • Program Personalisation
  • 8PT MoveMore Naturally

    Every month
    Need that bit more. Fitness in nature/Fitness by nature
    • 35% Off Personal Training
    • Up to 8 pt sessions per month
    • Access Online Programs
    • Unlimited Classes
    • Program Personalisation
    • Free Access to Experiences
  • 12 PT's MoveMore Naturally

    Every month
    Be Reborn to Live Feel and MoveMore Naturally
    • Up to 12 PT sessions/ Month
    • Access to Online Programs
    • Unlimited Classes
    • Free Experiences
    • 35% of Full Price PT
    • Program Personalisation
    • 10% discount on Shop

These Plans are on a monthly auto renewal

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